Home News North Bergen News Coach USA Stops NJ Transit Bus Routes in Hudson, Bergen, and Passaic

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Coach USA Stops NJ Transit Bus Routes in Hudson, Bergen, and Passaic

Coach USA will stop operating NJ Transit local bus services in Hudson, Bergen, and Passaic Counties, affecting thousands of riders.

Key Takeaways
  • Coach USA will stop operating 20 NJ Transit bus routes in Hudson, Bergen, and Passaic Counties by August 16.
  • NJ Transit is exploring solutions to limit the impact on riders, including finding new operators.
  • The termination affects over 250 employees and thousands of daily riders.

Coach USA Stops Running NJ Transit Bus Routes

Coach USA, a big bus company, will stop running NJ Transit local bus services in Hudson, Bergen, and Passaic Counties. This change will affect thousands of riders who use these buses every day.

Coach USA filed for bankruptcy last month and told NJ Transit on July 10 that it plans to end its contracts by August 16. This means the buses provided by NJ Transit to Coach USA will be returned.

Many Riders Affected by Coach USA’s Decision

This decision affects 20 local bus routes and thousands of North Jersey riders. These routes are:

  • Bergen County: 751, 752, 753, 755, 756, 762, 772, and 780
  • Passaic County: 702, 705, 707, 709, 722, 744, 746, 748, and 758
  • Hudson County: 2, 84, and 88

A spokesperson for Coach USA said they will try to keep service running until August 16. After that, NJ Transit will have many problems to solve.

Coach USA’s Financial Struggles and Employee Layoffs

Coach USA decided to stop running these routes due to financial problems that were worsened by fewer riders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Like many other private bus operators, the company received less government support than public transportation agencies and airlines did. Because of these changes, over 250 workers will lose their jobs.

To save some services and jobs, Coach USA has made deals with companies like The Renco Group, Inc. Suburban Transit, part of Coach USA, operates 14 NJ Transit routes in Middlesex County and one in Union County.

NJ Transit’s Efforts to Keep Services Running

To help with the changes, NJ Transit has contracted Hoboken-based Academy Express, LLC, to take over the Passaic routes starting September 1.

NJ Transit is looking at all options to keep bus services running, including finding other private companies or using their resources to cover the routes.

Despite these efforts, NJ Transit is already experiencing driver shortages, often resulting in canceled services.

The agency is working hard to find solutions to ensure commuters have reliable transportation during this time.

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Sarah Rodriguez covers all types of local events and news. Even as a teenager, she remembers being fascinated by the quick changes within the Hudson Community and decided to make local reporting her career. 20 years later, she still hasn’t lost that passion and keeps sharing her fresh insights with the community. She values integrity and thorough fact-sourcing above all, and makes a point not to be biased when covering controversial topics.