Weehawken is planning for a summer full of recreation opportunities, according to Mayor Richard Turner. In an interview with the Hudson Reporter, Turner outlined the opportunities that will be available to residents in the upcoming months.
“We just wrapped up planning our summer programs,” Turner said. “We’ll be making the announcement sometime this week.”
While a full list of programs has not been announced by the township yet, Turner gave a brief rundown of some of the summer offerings in Weehawken. He started with programs geared toward youth.
“At different times of the summer, we have baseball clinics, basketball clinics outdoors, soccer clinics,” Turner said.
Plenty of fun for kids
In addition to the sports clinics, there are also field trips throughout the summer months.
“We have about a half a dozen field trips,” Turner said. “We take six trips and anybody who wants to go to different amusement parks and beaches around the state.”
For those looking for fun closer to home, there are a range of opportunities at each of Weehawken’s parks each day.
“We have our arts and crafts,” Turner said. “Every park and playground has arts and crafts. We have arts and crafts in the morning, then games throughout the day.”
While at a park participating in arts and crafts or games, kids can also get free lunch.
“We also have the summer food program, sponsored by the state on all our parks and playgrounds,” Turner said.
Summer concerts
For adults, there is a lot to do, especially when it comes to concerts. The township hosts the Weehawken Summer Concert Series in Hamilton Park.
“Then we have our summer concerts in Hamilton Park on Boulevard East on the waterfront,” Turner said. “We have concerts uptown on Sunday nights and Thursday nights I think. Then we have the big concerts on the waterfront. We have a big concert series in the Lincoln Harbor Park.”
On top of the township’s concerts, there is also the concert series in Lincoln Harbor Park. Run by Bruce Sherman, the Summer Concerts on the Hudson 2022 lineup features an array of talented musicians.
And of course, there is the pool, which open to Weehawken residents only for now. In terms of the rest of the summer recreation opportunities, the township will make the information available soon on its website at weehawken-nj.us and social media pages.
“We’ll post everything,” Turner said. “It’ll go out this week with all our different activities that are available.”
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